l love you tomorrow tomorrow
Put it all together =
♥ l love you forever forever
Disclaimer hey baby listen up Welcome to my blog Please do not steal a damn thing from my blog Respect my blog is a must since it's M-I-N-E I'm the Ojou-sama here *evil laugh* Profile ![]() R2D2 daughter of Serene 29 May 1992 *pressie please* Female MMU FIT Life in NS : Help Yourself Facebook : Feel Free Chatter Chattie ShoutMix chat widget Deary Michelle Rachel Mun-Mun Esther Ira-chan?? An Chyi Chloe Ryukku JJY Beebee Carmen Chan Won CY Pei Pei Karen Hin Wafiy-nii-chan Leonie Pasts
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♥ 2009-08-31
Tag 3 Korang kene jawab soalan nie dn jujur tau ! 1. Siapakah teman istimewa korang? Isaac Lexxon Hikaru Kaoru Charlie Sam Flora Ikki Issei Izzy 2. Apakah prinsip hidup yg korang pegang? Happy go lucky Just do, don't hesitate 3. Adakah korang marah sekiranya ada org mengutuk blog kesayangan korang?? Of course. This is my blog, you know. I have the full right to do whatever I want with it and that's absolutely, completely, 100% positive none of your business 4. Senarai 4 orang yg hendak korang bagi n tag awrd nie? Just refer my previous tag 5. Beri sedikit komen tentang award ini : Lame Not as fun as the first tag I took Tag 3, Finishes within minutes, Whew, that was fast *wipe sweats* Aki i get off
@15:32 ♥
Tag 2 1.List down all five blogs that you really loves to blog-walking? Michelle's Ri-chan's no I'll stick to Rinee-chan no, no, no Ri-chan sounds great Nee-chan's Ai-chan's (when she updated) Mun Mun's 2.Have you ever dreaming on having someone special in your life? Who will care you the most and be your soul mate for the rest of your life? And who is that special person? Yes. Since Form 3. Hikaru, Hidedari Hikaru. 3.Taken or Single? Which one is better for you? Single. This question been asked a lot of times. The next time this question asked, I'm gonna blacklist it. 4.Have you been in one-sided love situations? Agree with Nee-chan, who doesn't?? With actors, singers, imaginary friends, some guys from streets. 5.List down 5 of your type in finding your own prince charming/lovable princess?? Sense of humor (I'll be bored to death if there's none) Lovable Go-along-with-me-well Know very well what's in my mind *brainstorming* Handsome, very handsome type but will only "look" at me 6.At what age that you will planing to get marry? After I have my steady income and 25+ 7.How much kids that you want to have? I want a twin boys, a twin girls and a twin boys and girls. Preferably triplets or quadruplets. People, count for me. 8.List down 5 luckiest person that you want to tag :- Like I said in my previous Tag 1 Just refer there P.S: Nee-chan: The way you expressed in blog are awesome. Just like how my friend, Michelle is. I can feel like you are talking to me, face to face. With your sounds of happiness, sorrow, lonely(do you have one??) etc etc. This is very successful for a blogger who is only 13. Wait, I'm confused. Is it me really feeling that about Nee-chan blog sincerely or is it because of her full-of-color blog?? Tag 2 Aki P.S: Got to sleep. It's going to be 4pm, no la 4am..Dead!! what time I'll be waking up tomorrow?? i get off
@03:08 ♥
Tag 1 1.Siapakah kawan yang pertama sekali ketika anda buat blog ini ? Rinee-chan..Maybe I should call her Ri-chan 2.Siapakah orang yang pertama sekali yang memberi anda award ? Award?? what award?? Ri-chan, I guess 3.Siapakah orang yang terakhir yang membuat anda nangis ? My mom (reality) Isaac (secret) 4.Apabila kamu berbuka puasa apa yang anda makan dahulu ? Sorry, dude. I don't fast 5.Bila anda sedang berangan siapa yang selalu ganggu anda ? Some people who just rampage my room without proper manner "knocking" (My family don't practice "knocking") 6.Lagu yang terakhir yang anda dengar ? Everyday from HSM2 7.Blog siapa yang terakhir anda melawat ? 私の ネエーちゃん。 8.Cerita yang terakhir anda tengok ? L For Love, L For Lies by my recent favorite singer Alex Fong. I'm proceeding on his second movie *finding time* 9.Novel yang paling anda gemari ? Too many, can't list them out, all in my mini library 10.Anda hendak memberi awrd n tag ini kepade siapa ? I hate to give, I hate to tag, All I like, Is to receive, And to be tagged. *whistling* P.S: Ri-chan, says who I'm not taking this??? Tag 1 Aki i get off
@02:47 ♥ 2009-08-29
... I forgot what I wanna blog already. Thanks to Mr Bunny who got me pissed of. Ugh!! Fine, I'd better sleep now. I still have Japanese class to attend later. I'm planning to continue my Japanese class after I graduate. I wanna improve my Japanese to a higher standard, to a standard that I can write my own Japanese essay and speak like a native Japanese. That's my goal on language, the second language I wanna improve the most. The first language, of course, no doubt, Cantonese. All day, I'm practicing on my Cantonese speaking and ,yet, I'm still sucks on it. Anyone want a Cantonese lesson with me?? I'm happy to teach. To-read-list: Chemistry on a few chapters I'm still doubting History *gulp* I have no intention on starting so soon *whistling* That's all, I guess. *look at the time* *shoot* Sign off, Aki P.S: Mushroom: when are you gonna online?? I wanna you to find me some Cantonese songs that I'm crazing in now. P.SS: Ai-chan: When are you gonna finish editing you blog?? And tagboard?? No tagboard very hard to leave comments. P.SSS: Rinee: Thank you for acknowledging your name named by me, your cute mistress(how do you know I'm cute??). How is your Cantonese learning so far?? Are you learning anyway?? i get off
@02:23 ♥ 2009-08-28
Relationship Survey Would you hug your ex again? Err, no!! Why did you and your last ex break up? It's a long-old-grandma-story How many girlfriends or boyfriends have told you they loved u? 1 or 2 but I never accept them How many girlfriends or boyfriends did you actually love? Love?? Dunno. More like just 'Like" as in for a while only Have you ever loved someone so much that it hurt? Does being depressed for 1 month called "Love Someone So Much"?? I was only 15!! Have you ever made a boyfriend or girlfriend cry? I am girl so to make a boy cry, very hard. All of them acted macho la. Are you happier single or in a relationship? Single with my Isaac and Lexxon around, never been a problem for me. Hikaru appears once in a while but he always need to go back Japan Would you ever lie to get an ex back? He's not the only guy left in this enormous Earth, you know. Have you ever been cheated on? No. Almost cheated someone but at last failed!! Have you ever told someone you loved them and didn't mean it? Duhh. FYI. It's in the previous question. Have you ever had your heart broken? All the time. Watching movies, reading story books...just being too sentimental If you could go back in time and change things, would you? No. What's done is done, no use looking back. Just look forward. Better guys await you. Do you still love your ex? Thought I do but nope, not anymore. I'm more in love with Hikaru. Do you believe that you are a good girlfriend or boyfriend? Dunno. My relationship only last for a month!! LOL Have you ever dated some one who was not good to you? Yeah, in fact all of them. I'm too clever for them!! Have you dated someone older than you? Not date, just meeting. Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance? Depends on what crime they'd committed. Do you Believe in love at first sight? Yeah, and I do believe love at first imaginary friends. LOL Ever want to get married? To marry a rich man, SO YES!! Ever kissed your friend's boyfriend or girlfriend? Yeah, we were scamming, you see. LOL If given a chance, would you like to have your ex back? I thought this question asked before. Anyway, the answer is NO!! I know I'll meet someone who deserves me better than my EX.. Still Friends with your exs? Not quite. We don't contact anymore. Do You Like Anyone now? Nope, but I think I'm in love with Hikaru. I think Rinee, too has no idea who Hikaru is. LOL. I wonder if she still remember I named her Rinee?? Does anybody have a tattoo with your name on it? Of course, I'm not the only one who owns Akimoto Kimiko or my *secret real* name. i get off
@02:58 ♥ 2009-08-27
Movies regarding to books I watched Lemony Snicket's movie just now. It's based on the 1st book. And wow, wow, wow I can imagine how the characters look like when I was reading the book but trust me, my imagination of the 3 unfortunate Baudelaire(spelt wrongly??) kids weren't as beautiful and handsome as the movie. Violet and Klaus are beautiful and handsome. Sunny is weird in the movie, it's like she's a doll!! I was supposed to study now because I am more awake at night time. Dunno why. People say me as a vampire because I love watching VK. LOL. But I always got distracted when I'm alone at night(You don't expect my parents will stay up till this late) by the computer with the Internet. That's how I ended up myself here and now blogging. And let's count, I have a total of 5 more days to study. Let's recall what I had covered so far: None at all. I kept on falling asleep during the day and online during the night. When will I find time finishing up my studies?!?! My Chemistry is a failure so far(I didn't fail). The only subjects that are able to keep me awake all the time are Maths, Add Math and Accounts. *sigh* How am I going to sit for the real SPM with such habits of mine?? I'm still lazing around as if I have given up in entering private college furthest from home so I can stay there and avoid meeting my parents especially my mom and of course my most desires DSLR. I even tell myself to just enter Form 6 because I am for sure qualify. Form 6 isn't a subject to at all. Form 6?? Private college?? DSLR?? Straight A's?? Doomed, Aki P.S: Ai-chan, why do I get the feeling your blogskin are very similar to mine?? In fact our blogskin are of the same designer. i get off
@01:51 ♥ 2009-08-23
Books Just came back from Book fest @ KLCC. A lot of people. I wonder why people aren't acknowledging H1N1?? And before we can go into the convention centre, doctors blocked us and test our temperature in case we have fewer. I guess that's for safety but what if people ate panadol and no fewer that time?? They escaped and we kena right if that person is a positive H1N1, who knows?? Oh yeah, just finish vomiting. Must have eaten something wrong, I wonder if it's the Burger King?? Or was it Turkey Ham from morning breakfast?? I don't think my body can handle raw food, I always vomit after eating raw food even if it's only 20% raw. *sigh* If it's so, then I'll missed all the wonderful raw food in Malaysia. *sob sob* Headache now. Just hope I don't get hypothermia later, if yes, I'll get fewer tomorrow and big chance H1N1 even though I have no flu and soar throat. Fewer is more serious right?? Oh no, I have trial to sit for, if I fall sick, how am I going to study?? Trial in 1 week time and I only have 1 last week to study. Fall sick?? Oh dear!! Migraine, Aki i get off
@20:38 ♥ 2009-08-22
Saviour HoHoHo... Not Merry Christmas!! Today I became somethings saviour. I am Japanese Class Saviour. LOL. Simple-short-story. Bowie brought her grandma's tape radio. She's at fault anyway. She reached class very 'early'. The 'Earliest-one-of-all', another girl went back to her house to take her radio. Me and Rachel were like "Why didn't she bring if she has one?? And we kena marah from sensei summore!!" So, after Bowie brought her radio, that girl came back from her house with a radio. Sensei used hers first. And she said "Bowie, yours as a spare in case cannot use because yours look 'e hoi wai'(Have a bad feeling). Then try try try and try that girl's radio at last "FAILED" and used Bowie's saying "Wah, cannot judge book by its cover ah" Yes, true. Can use but too bad the volume too soft. There's a button on top of the radio and everyone thought that button is a volume control button so sensei turn and turn and turn but still soft. Bowie pulak, dunno how to use since it's her grandma's. *=.="* I, as usual always has the feeling electronics have a strong connection with me so I, bravery go out there and help them up. Jeng jeng jeng, what do you know. I fixed the radio. LOL. I FIXED THE RADIO!!!... The volume button is not on top of the radio. It's just beside the radio. LOL. We all laugh and laugh and laugh, Bowie The Loudest, me The Berlagak. LOL. Very happy. I can't believe I did something impressive today. LOL. It's been some times since this happened again. LOL LOL, Aki p/s: But if I'm given a chance I think I am able to fix that girl's radio as well. But never mind, there's always next time. p/ss: Next week after signing all the documents, I am officially a 日本語 の りょうこ の 試験 candidate. Eeekkss, I haven't done any revision yet!! I gonna fail again. I found a new movie which one of my favorite singer is starring. 戀愛初歌 (Luen Ngoi Choh Gor) Sorry, I dunno how to explain because I only understand pieces by pieces. My Cantonese *sigh* Can watch in Youtube. Ah, one of my favorite singer starring in that show is Justin Lo. One of his song in that show is "Kong". One of my favorite song as well. I almost-going to have all his No Protection debut. Just waiting for the school to reopen. It is again Astro Star Quest 2009 first runner up, Kah Fai, Fai-zai Cantonese songs singing reminds me back of famous Cantonese songs from Hong Kong. Signing off, Fai-zai's forever fans p/s: Fai-zai's first song debut song for Astro has been released and it's already on top 10 singing list. Heard this from MySo something like that. So happy. Waiting for his first album. LOL i get off
@16:30 ♥ 2009-08-20
New Layout . . . I know the wordings for the previous post are "cacat". PLease abandon it, it's not important anymore and you are still allowed to strain your eyes to read it if you want but I know nobody will be that stupid to do so. I, maybe will not keep this permanent. I'll try to edit it sometime later. Layout, Aki i get off
@12:27 ♥ 2009-08-14
Disappointed. . . ABRSM Piano Exam Grade 4 Certified: FAILED Failure, Aki i get off
@21:37 ♥ 2009-08-03
Concert . . . Sorry for procrastinated. This event was 2 weeks ago and 2 weeks later, here it is!! And trust me, this is really a long long long post. As I mentioned in my last few blog, I got 2 free tickets to ASQ '09 concert. ![]() The right-hand- side view ![]() Left-hand-side view Kar Wai is following me and we reached there too early, 2 hours early. LOL. Too excited, I guess. I didn't know we have to wait there for 1 hour then only we are allowed to go in to the stadium. *sigh* ![]() Saw this stuck at all the lamp post. ![]() Love him the most!! I support him 100%. Later, we went and queued. I was lucky because I chose the correct line to queue. Most of the people queued wrongly. After queuing for an hour. Finally we are in. Right after I am in, I know the place too well since I've been in there twice already. Finding the place wasn't a big problem to me and the seats as well was a piece of cake. Everyone was in line when they reached in the seating place, only I run out of the line. LOL ![]() Found a great spot. Sat down and start taking some random pictures. By this picture, it's obvious I sat really near to the stage, in fact, it's too near!! ![]() Supporters seating. And with the supporters cheering when their idol appeared in the big tv screen shooting their personal MV. ![]() Direct front view from the stage The time for it to start has come. The opening scene. ![]() Dancers performing some cool stunts. ![]() Welcoming us, the audiences Finished the opening theme. Let's not waste time, start the first match. 1st Match: Singing and dancing performing at the same time. *Mou Dou Chuen Sing* 1st contestant: Kah Fai singing Volar (Original singer: Justin) 2nd contestant: Alvin (Original singer: JJ Lin) Trust me, he was the best dancer among the dunno-dancing contestants. Don't compare with Ryan, he's a dancer. I love watching him dancing. Really great. Makes me following him how to dance too. First contestant got eliminate was Alvin. 2nd match: Love Songs of the World *Sai Gei Ching Go* Juztin: 於心有愧 (Original singer: Eason Chan) He regained his confident here. He performed badly in the 1st match but now he's doing absolutely great. Just great, improvement is yet to come. First contestant was eliminated after this round. 5th place goes to Alvin. 3rd match: Yau Yuen Seong Jui. Very hard to translate. It took me a few seconds to understand it anyway. Ugh!! My Cantonese sucks. The meaning is like "Have fate will meet" Direct translate version. Juztin again. 年度之歌 (Nin Dou Chi Go) (Original singer: 謝安琪 ) Isn't he awesome? He sounded just like a singer performing in his own concert. His voice has the power and it's certified he isn't shouting, he IS singing. And he's singing girl's song. Wow!! The original singer: 2nd contestant got eliminated after the 3rd match, Ryan. 4th Match: Duet with Janice. She was very sick on that day so she just did one demo. *sigh* Because of her sudden sickness, the whole program need to be changed suddenly without the knowledge of the 3 remaining contestants. The unlucky one was Juztin. I know Juztin sang the wrong pitch here but can't blame him. That song just isn't his key and he wasn't suppose to lead too. He sang very well here as the supporter. The last duet. Juztin won the best voting. WoW!! I thought it was Ryan since he's like the most handsome there which I can't see in him. Yoke got eliminated after this. She won 3rd place. Last round: 3 songs combined as a medley. Duet as well. But this time fighting instead of supporting. 3 songs sang were 撐腰, 情歌, 繼續轉動. Sorry, I can't translate. I dunno how to read but I know the songs. Yes, Juztin did absolutely well in 1st and 3rd songs but not 2nd. WHY?? The same thing, that song isn't his key. It's too high for a voice like him. He can't sing too high key. He'll mess up and he wasn't ready for that key as well. This song he sang in his 3rd match was originally high in pitch as well because it is also from a girl singer. Incredibly, he was able to tune it down the key. This is for 2 hours++ show. ![]() I love the sparkling glitters. It just shoot up suddenly. And it was nice if you seen it for real. It was really a great show as this is the first time I went to see concert. LOL. My dad never let me see concert unless I gone out and work in future. After that, we rushed to the train station and we missed the first train. ![]() We stopped in this station and had to change another train ![]() We are the only one left in the train. Creepy?? I was actually scared and couldn't stop myself from talking. I just had no idea since when I became so coward. We reached in to my dad's car safely. My dad was standing outside waiting for us while smoking. *=.="* Reached home, first thing my brother said was "Wow, 情歌 le. Ging leh" And we start to comment about the whole show. I was kinda lost when the whole family is talking about it since I didn't pay much attention to it while recording videos. I was stupid that time anyway. However, all the videos were a failure *sob sob*. That was also the first time for me to take videos instead of snapping pictures. Did everything that is needed to be done before sleeping. That's the end of the night. Great night I had. Never will forget it. Juztin is the first guy and singer I ever admired. Love him and loyal to him forever. Good luck in Hong Kong. Eye Bag, Aki i get off
@01:08 ♥ 2009-08-02
Happy Birthday To You . . . Went to Kar Wai's birthday party yesterday. Long post ahead: ![]() Oooo, Kawaii. Me first time eating red eggs. ![]() According to the old people: Birthday boy/girl should use the red egg and knock your head 3 times. The egg must be cracked after hitting your head. USE 1 EGG NOT 2!!! ![]() Oooo, COKE!! I have COKE!!! I love COKE!!! ![]() We are still eating our lunch meal. And it's FREE!! *$$* I had french fries, nugget, sausage . . . ![]() I'm DEAD!! She killed me.. eh, no...MY camera's lens. A few inch away, though. ![]() I love this picture. It's the best. LOL. Why?? I took it ma, of course la. ![]() My *Yeng* post sucks. ![]() *Happy* post >>> LAME!!! Why are we wearing such clothes?? We just finish swimming and decided to massage our leg by stepping on stones. But we ended up snapping pictures. LOL ![]() It's pathetic *=.="* My camera's battery went dead already but I force it to snap this one last picture. After that, ____________ *Heartbeat stopped* So this are all I have. No pictures during night time. *sob sob* Happy, Aki i get off
@17:33 ♥ 2009-08-01
Urge I have the urge to blog I have feeling to blog I have something to write I have inspiration and ideas to share with I have a lot of things to blog And yet, I have so little time *sigh* Cut the crap!! *look at the time* *shocked* It's already 0021. Oh dear. I still haven't decide what to wear tomorrow after swimming. Kar Wai's birthday was yesterday and so she decided to celebrate today. After my class, I'll be going to her condominium to swim. SHIT!! Okay okay. Must not waste time now. I cannot blog tomorrow. Might procrastinate my last week events again. *sigh* Procrastinator, Aki i get off
@00:13 |