l love you tomorrow tomorrow
Put it all together =
♥ l love you forever forever
Disclaimer hey baby listen up Welcome to my blog Please do not steal a damn thing from my blog Respect my blog is a must since it's M-I-N-E I'm the Ojou-sama here *evil laugh* Profile ![]() R2D2 daughter of Serene 29 May 1992 *pressie please* Female MMU FIT Life in NS : Help Yourself Facebook : Feel Free Chatter Chattie ShoutMix chat widget Deary Michelle Rachel Mun-Mun Esther Ira-chan?? An Chyi Chloe Ryukku JJY Beebee Carmen Chan Won CY Pei Pei Karen Hin Wafiy-nii-chan Leonie Pasts
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♥ 2010-08-27
(T.T) San and Yong Qing don't want to swim anymore, I got no more kaki for swimming. My swimming skills sucks. I wanna retake my swimming class again if possible but I see no times. I have times, plenty but I'm not at home, how to take swimming class?? Anyone going for a swim, make sure invite me along. I'm despo. You wanna swim in the middle of the night, I also will join. Piano practical exam next year, I think. Sensei asked me about it last week, I wanna take because I wanna go higher grades although I sucks in piano *sigh* too lazy to practice and improve my sight-reading. Envy those who can just look at the score for a few minutes and able to play the whole scores out. Me?? I took months to practice if and only if I am keen to finish up the whole scores. Piano Theory ABRSM exam next Monday *phew* I nearly book my presentation on that day. SMK Kepong, here I come again. Long time not being in a hall sitting an exam, miss those times when those times were the times I'm afraid of. Wish me luck. I see myself blogging a lot at home, I wonder why?? Too free?? No, I'm not free for the whole next week (okay, I am free frankly) I have VB lab test next Friday which only carries 2 marks and VB assignment to complete before end of next week. I need help for VB assignment!! Any seniors kind enough of help me with coding?? Regret not trying to get close with a FIT senior when I had the chance. Be friendly with everyone next time, Serene especially FIT. I made my decision not to step into Publicity for GDC anymore. Since, I go there just to disturb and hang around but not helping and I officially resign myself. I'm too scare to step into publicity anymore now. I'm afraid of designing. I was worrying if I got chosen to design anything yesterday. That's all. Toodles, Aki i get off
@17:08 ♥ 2010-08-26
Lame Picnic + Noob Paparazzi Hate Dominic for not telling me the time of the picnic Love Matthias for coming back hostel to fetch me Having picnic with friends in Cyber Park, not much to see there or because I didn't tour around (>.<), skipped 2 classes for that. See, picnics made me skip classes, can't resist the temptation of hanging out with friends. *I decided to skip class even before I know about the picnic* Went to a jetty, ants started to come, decided to change to playground side. First thing we do, walking up and down of the whole playground. Found Hoong's slippers and decided to hide it. Shouting giving hints. (I finally get to shout after months, used to shout during raining in NS, shout as loud as possible fighting with the sounds of the rain drops. Shout till throat pains and no one hears or care) I have to admit I do love shouting (^.^) Matthias lend me his DSLR to shoot. First time holding a DSLR and using it *jumps of joy* I ain't a bad photographer, though just lazy to be one now (T.T) Being a paparazzi is fun. I'M LOVING IT!! All photos are in Matthias's DSLR so I'm not posting any photos here. I didn't get to eat much because I ate Oreos while finishing my movie and I ran straight after eating, I felt like vomiting the whole time especially in Matthias's car, food digestion stuck, took hours to heal, lesson learnt but never acknowledge. Hates Matthias for taking my slippers and wouldn't hand it back to me until I have to "manja". Shit, my "manja" was sibeh geng, the whole Cyber park can hear me. And my "manja" sounds more to I-wanna-it-no-matter-what-now-give-it-back-to-me!! instead of PLEASE-give-it-back-to-me-pretty-please-with-cherry-on-top. Scary "manja", first time I became so "manja" in front of all my friends, never once did that before not even with my school mates and how in the world did Eric guessed it correctly that I use my "manja" on my brother. Seems like he remembers what I said to him before. Well, at least somebody doesn't ignore me. Jessyca took videos of Hoong "manja" with Matthias and me "manja" to take my slippers back *yikes* Before going back, took group photos a few times because of me again, kacau kacau everyone, finally pictures of me also turned out to be not beautiful (T.T) Cyberjaya didn't rain for a week (T.T), days I didn't get enough sleep and hot till awake. Felt like going Cyberia to sleep in an air-cond room. I dunno what to say and whether it's a good thing or not: I wanna it to rain so much this whole week because I wanna play under the rains after recovered, weather was hot for the whole week. Sickness week, it was raining almost every night, the weather was cooling, perfect to heal my sickness but I couldn't play under the rain (T.T) Get to come back on Thursday night was a heaven, I get to sleep on my bed and air-cond room. Waaaa, never once missed my bed so much. And desktop is at home, I can listen to Lee Hom's new album songs. Sleepy now. Wish to share my happiness with someone but *searching msn* nope, no one to share with. Guess I'll stick in blogging *sigh* i get off
@23:32 ♥ 2010-08-25
. . . Why did I kept on remembering you? Why did you gave me indescribable feelings? The moment I have you in my mind, I'll smile The moment I think about you, I'll smile The moment I start to smile, it's all because of you The moment I start to smile, I couldn't sleep Because you are all in my head How I wish to see you How I wish to bump into you How I wish to speak to you How I wish to msn with you every night How jealous am I when I weren't the one who spend times with you But . . . I never wish to know how you treats me Because I know I already know Feelings come and go Time will once again be my cure The lesser I see you The faster I heal The lesser I find you The faster I forgets you The lesser I think about you The faster I forgets the memories we had together I am so sorry Impossible is the answer I understand where I stand I am sorry Truly sorry Regrets, Aki i get off
@20:35 ♥ 2010-08-19
Sick Days Ended Sicked from last Friday till yesterday, Wednesday, almost a week I'd been sick. Just a minor sickness, nothing much serious all thanks to mummy spreading her virus to me!! No wonder since last Monday I wanted so much to go back home, seems like I already can feel myself gonna sick soon. How did I fall asleep?? Hmm, simple, I turn all my sleeping time upside down (^.^) instead of sleeping at 2am, I slept from 8pm to 11pm, woke up and bath then only start studying from 12am to 3am++ continuously for days and *tadaaa* S-I-C-K. Pity, Victor, got bug from me, since mummy not with me so I kacau you lo (>.<) Now I start to realize how pampered am I at home. Never mind, I am the youngest at home, born to be pampered. Now, all my assignments and quizzes are coming to an end, I do not have to rush and I can start to have proper sleeps at night just that I still tend to sleep at 2am. During sickness period, not bad at all, at least I still got to eat sushi in Yuzu, Mid Valley with Victor, Matthias, Darrion and Kai Wen last Tuesday after watching Despicable Me. *Poppoy* Thanks to Victor, I'd to borrow Sean's maybank account to purchase tickets online in the middle of the night and luckily he has enough money. Victor recommended me to watch: Sign off, Aki P.S: Thanks to Victor, I'm now addicted to classical music which I stopped a few months ago. i get off
@22:32 ♥ 2010-08-06
Room Changed again Finally I transfer all my stuff from previous room to a new room. Seems like my new room mate speaks Cantonese with her friends and through phone but not to me. Maybe because I spoke Mandarin with her the first time we met. LOL! I was suppose to transfer all my stuff yesterday but ended up swimming in Cyberia and yeah, Wei Lim bugging me didn't invite him swimming as well *sigh* How should I know you are interested in swimming as well?? Next time I call you, you better come!! Yen Yin interested to join as well next time *jumps of joy* Maybe going there again next Monday or Wednesday, eh, Wednesday they are planning to watch Avatar: The Last Airbender *thinking* probably they will not be free since I couldn't join them *sigh* I wanna my Physics class on Wednesday and Thursday to change time, shift to Tuesday 2pm-6pm!!! Laboratory report finished in Week 10 which already finished and one hell yeah, I sorta forced to do the full lab report because I was late for 10minutes!! Thank you so much, Jimmy and mistaken me staying in Puchong!! Why did I said "sorta"? I am too lazy to call the whole group mates out to discuss what to write in the full report *slaps face* Since I am too lazy, no choice but to write and think everything on my own *RIP* Luckily, I know my way to find answers. This week gonna be one hell week. New furniture coming into my house, need to transfer previous furniture stuffs to the new furniture. Great, just great!! I got a lot of homework and assignments to do by end of next week and math quizzes and assignments due dates are coming soon. How am I gonna cope up with everything if I kept on delaying my homework and studies?? Plus, I promised Keith I'll start study from now on so that I can hang out freely with him by the he came back KL. Yeah, final exam starting in 1month++ times so will Keith be coming back. Miss him so much, can't wait to see him again. Checked all my assignments due dates. What a great achievement I achieved!! Well done, Serene * applause* Physics: Tutorial questions (Next Tuesday) Computer Application: Visual Basic (Next Wednesday) and I have no idea how to do one of the most important question and I have 1 replacement class on next Monday. I don't wanna come back on Sunday night!! English: Essay (Next Friday) IT Math: Quiz (Next Saturday) Guess I am fully book next week. All plans cancel!! This Saturday, please clean up everything in the afternoon and start your revision and all your homework and night. Finish as many as possible!! One hell week, Aki i get off
@02:43 ♥ 2010-08-05
Skating in Sunway Piramid Woke up late, suppose to wake up at 7am ended 7.30am only wake up. LOL! Wake my driver 8.30am when we were suppose to leave house at that time, luckily we didn't because traffic jam on the way down the tunnel heading to Mid Valley. Shitty driver drive 90km/hr on MEX Highway. Got scolding from me increase 10km (=.=) ended late arriving MMU, revenge!! Summore turn at the wrong lane. Sucky driver!! In the morning acting like Mummy "Got forget anything or not?" yeah, cursing me la, finally I forgot my super deals tickets, luckily Jessyca gave me hers. I know why I sounded and look like those girls hanging around much because I can talk until I'd been in those situation but the truth is NO. I'd never been in any of those situations. I only hear friends talking about it and imagine myself in their shoes, I'll roughly understand and able to express it out and due to my attitude *sigh* who wouldn't think I'm those girls. Cheap skate, a lot of people will think me as those kind of girl especially girls even boys dislikes cheap-skate girls. A boy once said to me "cheap-skate" *sob sob* Am I?? I do feel I am, though. I played roller blading last time, so I do roughly have the base in skating and last Monday was really my first time stepping into the ice rink. I wanna play roller blading, any of you all interested?? *despo* went eating in Kim Gary for lunch!!! Ate Steak Baked Cheese Rice and drank Yin Yang tea. Tatt kept on stealing my steak!! and saying his pork chop not nice and me vice verse. Kim Gary Baked Cheese not nice!! Wong Kok Kopitiam so much nicer. Wei Lim mixed very well with Tatt and Hoong (^.^) and the whole lunch time, talking nonsense. Worst part was, Hoong needs to head back MMU on that day itself and couldn't sleep in Eric's house and made me swapping with him. Luckily, Wei Lim was there, able to fetch me and in return, I got bullied kao kao from him in the car asking me to be his Guard Dog(House) (>.<) Hoong, you better belanja me makan!! Tatt, lucky you la, I didn't pass my Physics mid term exam, you no need belanja me makan. Tatt seeing me now is like seeing a ghost. Worst than a ghost, I think. LOL! 1st time, skating behind him, he fell down for no reason. 2nd time, he fell and pulled me along, sitting on the ice rink laughing, none of us wanna stand up until the security force us to. 3rd time, I skate to him, before reaching him, he fell and made me fell on him. 4th time, he overtake me and fell, I lost balance and my blade run pass his finger skins. 5th time, I almost made him couldn't celebrate Fathers' Day. After that, he never wanna skate along side with me anymore. LOL! Until now, he is still bugging people saying "I'm scare of that Serene liao la" again and again the same sentence. Not gonna forget this moment, anyone wanna skate again, invite me!! Aki i get off
@00:26 |