l love you tomorrow tomorrow
Put it all together =
♥ l love you forever forever
Disclaimer hey baby listen up Welcome to my blog Please do not steal a damn thing from my blog Respect my blog is a must since it's M-I-N-E I'm the Ojou-sama here *evil laugh* Profile ![]() R2D2 daughter of Serene 29 May 1992 *pressie please* Female MMU FIT Life in NS : Help Yourself Facebook : Feel Free Chatter Chattie ShoutMix chat widget Deary Michelle Rachel Mun-Mun Esther Ira-chan?? An Chyi Chloe Ryukku JJY Beebee Carmen Chan Won CY Pei Pei Karen Hin Wafiy-nii-chan Leonie Pasts
♥ February 2009
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♥ 2010-09-11
2nd Times 2nd day driving!!! The whole road is mine!!! No cars at all!!! Should perform excellent right?? NOOOOO!!! Not much different from yesterday *sigh* Did 3 point turn today, whoa, I totally forgot 3 point turn!!! I forgot what to do during 3 point turn, where should my eyes look, where should I turn bla bla bla ... I wonder how I passed my driving?? How can a graduated driver drive suckily?? Is it the same as a graduate student coming out to work also that sucky?? Sean said P is stand for "Pow" means "Rasuah" (=.=)" I admit la I pow my license but only on the road maaaaa~ LOL!! Ok, that's why my on the road so damn sucky. Tomorrow training again, I think will be in Selayang Jaya area, yeah, training there fun because it's too complicated (^.^) Don't worry, Raya seasons, everyone balik kampung, the whole road is mine!!! I love driving fast, damn fun!!! I wanna drive HONDA CITY!!! PROTON WAJA not nice!! SAGA also not nice. Anyway, will be driving City on next Monday too. Can I drive to Sg Wang on Tuesday?? NOT!!! Don't think I'm allow to drive at night yet and I don't know how to drive to Sg Wang. I mean I know how to go there as in giving direction to a driver, not being a driver driving there. A girl is a girl, can't handle too much pressure but if possible I wanna drive, convenient~ challenging myself, not a bad thing. Toodles, Aki And I still haven't start study yet!!! Study now~ i get off
@22:23 ♥ 2010-09-10
3 months later 3 months!!! 3 months!! It has been 3 months!!! For the second time, I drove. I drove my own car today *phew* and yes, super sucky!!! - Turning sucky - Braking sucky - Parking SUPER DUPER HYPER DUPER SUCKY!!! I remembered it was end of May I got my driving license, 2 weeks before my birthday and leaving to MMU for orientation. Getting in MMU, staying in hostel is fun and I wanted that but also I need to sacrifice. I sacrifice my driving opportunity. Living there means no need to drive back and forth to University and also I only come back during weekends, daddy lazy to teach me driving. Well, this is how I ended up not driving for 3 months straight. Am still going out using public transport *sigh* But, since I started learning how to drive now still doesn't mean I can drive on my own yet which also means next week outing need to take public transport again *sigh* even though having car at home. So, the next outing I can drive on my own right?? Hopefully!!! Wahh, all of my friends started driving on their own except me (T.T). I wanna drive better tomorrow!!! Toodles, Aki P.S: My msn got blocked so all please add me in my new account: eneres.annoyingbratz@hotmail.com i get off
@20:42 ♥
ABRSM Theory Exam ABRSM Theory Exam on 6th September, woke up late *paiseh paiseh* because I drank bird nest the night before and made me cough sibeh hell, I cannot sleep the whole night!! By the time I sleep is the time I wake up *sigh* Alright, got ready up everything and was late actually, glad mummy didn't nag at me. Reached SMK Kepong Baru around 8.20am, I'd been there last year so it wasn't hard for me to search for the examination hall and my seat. My seat is getting more in front (^.^) well of course!! as my grade getting higher, my seat is getting in front, I wonder when will I seat in the front row?? Another 15 minutes to revise, I revised a bit in the car, though and 1 hour before sleep the night before, couldn't help it since I procrastinated my documentation for 2 days and I'd to finish it up by Sunday itself (T.T) well, I'm fully confident about my theory exam though so I don't pay much attention to it. Alright, left 15 minutes to revise, what shall I revised?? Alright, I shall revised all my terms *reading one by one* Arghh, forget it, it's just too many and my times is limited *close book and begin packing* on the same time, invigilators asking parents to leave the hall and participants to put their bags outside the hall but those parents refused to leave and still giving speech to their child *bang wall* I'm glad mummy was not there, I'm not a little child anymore, receiving those funny speech. Bla bla bla ... the exam finally begun. I was nervous, what kind of questions will I get, received the paper and opened it, examined it and *phew* simple!!! finished it within 40 minutes, took my own sweet time. After that, need to re-check but I rested 15 minutes, start re-checking at 10am, when i wanna re-check, people starts to leave the hall (T.T) and they are on the same grade as I am, Here goes my wish to leave the earliest among my grade competitors.They drive obviously!! So they can leave anytime they want!! Well, I don't drive, why should I leave early when my driver hasn't arrive?!?! Don't care much and start re-checking, I found 3 careless mistakes(corrected it right away) and 1 I-dunno-how-to-do question. I left the hall at 10.30am. Called my driver when he's arriving and I received "I just leave the house lar" (=.=)" Went touring around the school, saw many drawings on the wall especially those sciences labs. Chemistry, Biology and Physics, everything were there, wow, reminded me of secondary school. But, I never missed my secondary school life and I don't think secondary school life is any better than University life like any of my friends think and said. I, yet to feel University life is hectic, I'm not a good timer nor a good time keeper but I am still able to catch up everything right on time, I even went out having fun with friends the whole day and slept late around 4am so called preparing for tomorrow test and presentation. And nothing happened the next day, everything turned out to be fine and I got pretty good grades on my presentation and test too. P.S: I don't own a camera so I did not snap that school surrounding. And am too lazy to use camera phone and I'm a noob photographer. After touring like 10 minutes, went over to the canteen, sit and wait for my driver to come and pick me up back to MMU. I have outing in MMU right after my exam, COOL!! Got bored and played my Pokemon game, I start to get over with that game now because I'm such a bad trainer. I didn't train my pokemon well and now they're losing almost every single match with trainers. JUST A TRAINER, ALL MY POKEMON BATTLED TILL HALF DEAD!!! AND IT'S NOT EVEN A GYM MASTER!! I realized 6 of my pokemon are really useless. I should re-train and re-organize all my pokemon again. Wait until I finished my final exam first because I haven't start studying on any of the subject yet except math, just a little bit. Stop with pokemon!! After a few training with my pokemon, driver showed up and fetch me back to MMU. Oh yeah, what happened to my exam?? Don't worry, it turned out so simple, no tricky questions or needed extra brain storming, I did it pretty well. I had no idea how my teacher found out I came out early and I LC-ed to her I'll get a distinction!!! That's a problem!!! Why did I do that?? (T.T) Truth is, I do have confident I'll get a distinction but LC to my teacher?? What if I don't get?!?! I don't know where to find hole and hide. God, please give me a distinction. Toodles, Aki i get off
@01:17 ♥ 2010-09-01
Back in MMU + SMK Kepong Baru + Exam + Movies *yells* Now is only 1430 and my class starts at 1600!! Sean: I hate you damn much!! I wanna reach MMU at 1545 so that after I unload my stuff and done my ladies works, you can fetch me to class which is in XR1003 (Is very far by walking)!! Make use of your shitty Proton Saga before I drive Honda City next time. Now!!! I reach MMU 2 hours early. Who's gonna fetch me to class later? So sunny now and later o(>.<)o *bang wall* Summore gave excuses, "I let you charge your phone ma so later you can continue your Pokemon game in class" WTF!!! Ya, because your phone was charging in the morning that's why I couldn't charge mine and summore spoil your own USB Phone Charger *dai sei* and now using my USB Phone Charger, apa I mau guna?? And Sean, warning, you better don't fetch me at 1100 next Monday, make it like 1030 wait for me in SMK Kepong Baru. I don't finish my exam so late. I'll make it early, hopefully I'll be the earliest to come out for my own grade. *panic* I didn't bring my books here for revision, next Monday exam and I'm still relaxing here, when am I gonna truly learn my lesson?? I thought I did back in SPM time. Oh yeah, that was SPM time, now is over SPM so don't care already. And and and why in the world SMK Kepong Baru damn hard to go, turn here turn there also can't reach. Can anyone show me the shortcut?? I failed in Kepong area (>.<) I'm gonna make sure I sit for practical exam next year. This is a must!! I know it sounds irony but I really miss my piano when I'm in hostel. I couldn't play any scores when I feel like playing it but, back in house, I'm just too lazy to practice or to even touch my piano. Practical exam next year and if I don't get to practice it everyday, I won't be able to pass my practical exam and if I wanna pass, I need another piano to store in hostel. And if I don't get to sit for exam, I'll stop my piano lesson. Either I continue or stop, decision on whether to sit for exam next year will make the finals. Hmm, planned to head down Puchong today, and it's Wednesday, I can pay my uncle a visit in Taman Wawasan because he's free, have dinner with him and most important take some of his videos and musics. He downloaded the whole set of classical musics which I have in my IPOD but I have no back up files of it and it isn't complete (T.T) But, something happened and the plan is cancel, guess I will not be seeing my uncle for some times (T.T) My musics!! Lab test on this Friday, can't go back on Thursday night (T.T) and I'm still stuck with the coding, can't believe I used hours to spot that small tiny itty bitty mistakes. Guess what was the mistakes: *tadaa* a symbol of "_". This missing symbols ruined my whole form(it's a system). I am really a noob in programming, that challenges me to further in programming (^.^) Toodles, Aki i get off
@14:26 |