l love you tomorrow tomorrow
Put it all together =
♥ l love you forever forever
Disclaimer hey baby listen up Welcome to my blog Please do not steal a damn thing from my blog Respect my blog is a must since it's M-I-N-E I'm the Ojou-sama here *evil laugh* Profile ![]() R2D2 daughter of Serene 29 May 1992 *pressie please* Female MMU FIT Life in NS : Help Yourself Facebook : Feel Free Chatter Chattie ShoutMix chat widget Deary Michelle Rachel Mun-Mun Esther Ira-chan?? An Chyi Chloe Ryukku JJY Beebee Carmen Chan Won CY Pei Pei Karen Hin Wafiy-nii-chan Leonie Pasts
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♥ 2010-10-27
Rules?? A little short post. Rules?? What are rules?? As I know since young: Rules ARE meant to be broken YUP!!! And so, I'm breaking all the rules I can break now YES!! Including yours!! Well, since I already got what I wanted and you already gave me what you promised No doubts for a spoil bratz to take back her words It's nice breaking the rules Go against the law Go against everything that has been set Nice to make someone headache Those feelings I got in return is no other than PLEASURE BUT Deep inside That spoil bratz is still following your rules Quietly Silently Without your knowledge Without your concern Without your gifts Because, she knows Your rules are for her own good And hope that one day She'll turn from a spoil bratz to a true girl i get off
@11:37 ♥ 2010-10-19
Sleepless Nights I didn't get enough sleep for these few days (T.T) What I blogged last post, I were excited about movie watching on last Sunday, so I couldn't get myself sleep "properly" on Saturday's night, worrying this and that *sigh* well, it's normal for people to get anxious and excited the day before they're going out (>.<) When I thought I could restore my sleep on Sunday's night since Monday class is in the afternoon but, blame me!! for addiction to online *sigh* ended up sleeping at 3AM!! Monday morning woke up at 11.30AM, found out that Physics report needs to be passed up before 12PM!! SHIT!!! 30 minutes LEFT!! Somehow finishes on time but cheated *sigh* I'll never repeat such act anymore, seriously I may get a heart attack. Although I slept at 3am but it was a nice sleep, a thorough sleep till morning without any disturbance such as HEAT!! The temperature was nice and cooling somehow on Monday. Classes till 7PM is not a joke, it WAS suppose to be tiring but somehow I felt fun in Monday's class ONLY last Monday (>.<)||. Dinner with Andy, Henry, Jez and Kent in cyberia and had my COKE no doubt. For the whole dinner time, we talked through about Chinese old dramas with those kung fu master skills, shocking there are people who watch such dramas and really get to know it in details, I thought I was the weird one. Just when I thought of going back hostel and rest + bath, message received asking me to head down parking place to collect my stuff, oppss, my friend's stuff, since he already drove his car and waiting downstairs, couldn't reject *sigh* Tiredly and lazily moved my butt and legs which is 3 floors high, it was annoying. Well, that's the "not nice" part but at least he cheer me up, asking me interested to go "COKE" or not?? Due to laziness and tiredness, I couldn't hear well of his words but "COKE" word is the only word I heard ROFL, that word forgets my tiredness and laziness *evil laugh* *runs up my room and took my wallet* Okay, so he brought me to COKE and I simply wanna him to drive further, simply being an annoying-bratz-princess and nicely torturing him *evil laugh* ended up COKE + Mcflurry in MCD AGAIN!! This time I managed to refilled 3 times, 2 times finishing there, 3rd times refilled and left in the car until reach my room, nicely sipping it (^.^) On the way back, in the car Zzzz it was errrr kinda errr sorta errr .... never mind, let's just be a secret between me and him, alright?? Again, I overdose COKE, the next morning, damn STOMACHACHE!!! Regrets?? Nehhh~~ By the way, I lied LOL~ my class starts in the morning 9AM, was actually having same time with you but doesn't matter because it was only an hour class and I have 4 hours break after that (^.^). This whole story tells that I missed my early sleep on Monday again because COKE, YOU DISTRACTED ME!!! It's Tuesday today, will I be sleeping early?? Was DAMN sleepy just now, COKE-ed, sleepiness reduced. COKE-girl, Aki i get off
@21:07 ♥ 2010-10-18
Tired Long Day Saturday night received a call from Aunt Sui Keow asking wanna join in dinner with Stevie and his family in Klang, it's definitely a YES since I still have to travel back Cyberjaya. Then, asked me to find times to watch movie in The Garden 3D version. Must not be too late or too early ==" 2 o' clock seems to be the best timing. Everyone agreed, and The Garden 3D version cost RM28 per seat!!! 9 tickets = RM265.50 transactions. First time, transacting such AMOUNT and not using MY account *evil laugh* Reached The Garden, Stevie's parents asked "You came alone?? Parents??" after that, Kwee Tai asked the same question ==" so both of them were like shocked of me A girl going all the way to MidValley alone!! at least with Sean also consider BETTER than being ALONE. Why the shocked?? Before that, Sui Keow was shocked as well but gotten used to it and ACTUALLY happy because she doesn't need to come all the way to Selayang to pick me up ==". All those aunties already a MOM so they KNOW the fear of letting own child going out alone ESPECIALLY a GIRL!! The first praise from Stevie:
So, everything was not settled by Saturday midnight because Maybank account not enough money ==", maybank CDM machine out of service, needs to wait till morning to CDM in another Maybank franchise. Because of that problems, I slept at 4.30am and woke up at 10am. Rushed through booking + breakfast + bath + class at 11.10am!! While bathing, suddenly receive another call saying need extra 2 more seats!! WTF~ Sean was badminton-ing, he will never hear his phone message ringing, how on earth to get TAC?!?! Reconfirmed, no need to book anymore, that seriously pissed me off. And yeah, I didn't get enough sleep for the whole night!! After class, rushed to KTM, rushed to MidValley, rushed to The Garden (Seriously got lost on the way to GSC Garden) Yum cha-ed with uncles and aunties after movie since still having 1 extra hour before starting journey to Klang *sigh* A few praises from Stevie.
Yum Cha-ing time, chatted with Stevie's parents. Another praised.
Funny thing, was already above Jusco but Ah Mun brought me to Metrojaya, knowing it's wrong, walk all the way back to Jusco again!! Was wearing 3 inches heels and he was carrying his baby ROFL so both of us suffered!! In Klang dinner time!! Talked A LOT!!! All about gadgets, IPHONE 4G!! History of Apple's, launching of Iphone 1G, 2G, 3G, 3Gs and 4G, OS 4 advantages and disadvantages bla bla bla ... I-City~~ Okie!! I wore 3 inches heels walking around I-City!! Daddy and Ah Mun teased "You helping to plant paddy is it??" ==" I took Ah Mun's camera for shooting, alright!!! Downgraded!! I don't remember how to set the correct aperture and mode function anymore!! All pictures taken by me were TERRIBLE!! Managed to brush up a bit with more snapping >.<|| but got bored because almost every "lights" are the same pattern and crowded with people so I just hand over the camera back to Ah Mun and let him do the job unless he wants me to snap family pictures. After everything, back to Cyberjaya and till now, I haven't started revision on Math Probability for Quiz tomorrow and Physics Lab Report still BLANK!! Something I remembered, 3 weeks consecutively I went out on Sunday. 1st: Gold Coast Sepang 2nd: LowYat 3rd: Klang Will there be next week?? 3 consecutive weeks cracking head on what to wear!! and wore contact lens which I don't do last time. Seems like next week having plan going PD with JCS but am not fully confirmed yet. If that's so, alright 1 month going out. Dozed off, Aki i get off
@00:55 ♥ 2010-10-12
Inner Feeling I miss you When I don't see you I got nervous When I receive your call/sms You kept on Flashing in and out in my mind I remembered Fun times we had together I'll ended up Smiling What are all these?? What could this means?? I thought of "Love" at first but it's a weird way for me to fall for you in this way. Perhaps it's an admiration. Admiration for me is a "pass-by" feelings, it'll disappear after some times. A few days to a few months but this feeling never "pass". After some times of not seeing you, I really felt fine and finally things start to show positive signs BUT ... when you asked me out for dinner/movie, my heart was beating out of rhythm. Excited + nervous, what ever I were trying to accomplish FAILED!! I couldn't wait to see you. Have I really fall for you?? When will this ends?? What will happen to us if you know it IS you, when I already know you have no feelings on me?? Will we ever be friends like we always are?? I'm confuse Please help me Must I wait for another year to pass, when you completely aren't by my side (literally) for me to forget you?? A year is not that slow, right?? Feeling, please leave me alone I'm not ready I don't want to be hurt again although he seems to be a promising gentlemen If I'd never met you, If I'd never find you, I WILL never have fall into this pit BUT I'm not blaming you Because you showed me You made me believe Existence of LOVE Once again I blame myself Myself to be blamed No regrets Because I really LOVE it Do not worry, Mr Anonymous, because 'you' will never know who 'you' are because 'you' are Mr Anonymous, the one I'm keeping this secret feeling from. Toodles, Aki i get off
@01:09 |